For example: Should users/groups see all or none of the data by default? ', 'ajax'); { "action" : "rerender" "context" : "lia-deleted-state", ] As described above, the entire data row is restricted even when the field to which the rule applies { ","ignoreOnChangeCssClasses":[],"disableFormOnSubmit":true,"buttonWrapperSelector":".lia-button-wrapper","showUnsavedDataWarningDataKey":"showUnsavedDataWarning","liaBodyTagId":"#lia-body"}); LITHIUM.AutoComplete({"options":{"autosuggestionAvailableInstructionText":"Auto-suggestions available. { "eventActions" : [ When applied to individual users, data security rules should normally apply as soon as a User entity is created. The Sisense security model is designed to work as both a 'Grant access' model and a 'Deny access' model. ] "context" : "envParam:quiltName", doesn't appear in the widget. Overview. "action" : "rerender" "context" : "envParam:feedbackData", For example . "action" : "rerender" A data security rule is comprised of three distinct entities: For each Elasticube, once a user has any security rules applied to them, Sisense will limit query results to data associated with the specified values in the rule across all linked tables in the schema. has a relationship to a table that has a field in the widget. ] { that row has a specific value. "}); { According to documentation, party property needs to be UUID/OID of the User or Group entity. . The sharing options also include subscription settings that define which users and groups will receive email reports. { slideMenuReset(); LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#link_0', 'acceptCookieEvent', 'false', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'Gs5Zr7LATwhrS8W-0JL5Lu-5CWhAEXp5DsjNJ-opBV0. { "event" : "editProductMessage", See the following sections for more details. }, Following improvements to ElastiCube security in Sisense V7.0 and later, ElastiCube s created prior to Sisense V7.0 are accessible to everyone by default, unless you have defined the ElastiCube 's access rights. }, "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2_2", "actions" : [ 1 This field will be returned with any GET request; It will be automatically assigned by POST requests and should not be specified; It is required for PUT and some DELETE requests. ","loaderSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper_2 .lia-message-body-loader .lia-loader","expandedRepliesSelector":".lia-inline-message-reply-form-expanded"}); "event" : "AcceptSolutionAction", { { "buttonDialogCloseAlt" : "Close", Example: Each widget only shows the data permitted by the data security rules that apply, including totals, averages and so on. "displaySubject" : "true" Multiple values can be selected. }, "parameters" : { LITHIUM.SearchAutoCompleteToggle({"containerSelector":"#searchautocompletetoggle","enableAutoCompleteSelector":".search-autocomplete-toggle-link","enableAutocompleteSuccessEvent":"LITHIUM:ajaxSuccess:enableAutoComplete","disableAutoCompleteSelector":".lia-autocomplete-toggle-off","disableAutocompleteSuccessEvent":"LITHIUM:ajaxSuccess:disableAutoComplete","autoCompleteSelector":".lia-autocomplete-input"}); "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditAnswerForm", This can improve user productivity by avoiding }); "actions" : [ "actions" : [ "event" : "markAsSpamWithoutRedirect", "actions" : [ { }, { Sisense is built around a robust and flexible security architecture that is both comprehensive and intuitive. Assigning no value to Everyone is the same as To learn more about user roles, Sisense User Roles. "actions" : [ }, { All of these endpoints are in the v0.9 REST API version. "context" : "", "linkDisabled" : "false" }, A Sales Order table has a column representing the salesperson that closed a deal. Premium. { LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:multiUserSelectEvent","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#lia-products","action":"multiUserSelectEvent","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"55CWPn0CloOSl3hTYSKjHc5oLB1Uxyf8mP_lTA-NYSI. "context" : "", ], "eventActions" : [ "event" : "ProductAnswerComment", { ] "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditAction", { { "event" : "ProductAnswerComment", { { "context" : "", } "context" : "", "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", { Are you sure you want to proceed? "revokeMode" : "true", LITHIUM.Loader.runJsAttached(); }, ","messageActionsSelector":"#messageActions_1","loaderSelector":"#loader","renderEvent":"LITHIUM:renderInlineMessageReply","expandedRepliesSelector":".lia-inline-message-reply-form-expanded","topicMessageSelector":".lia-forum-topic-message-gte-5","containerSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_1","layoutView":"threaded","replyButtonSelector":".lia-action-reply","messageActionsClass":"lia-message-actions","threadedMessageViewSelector":".lia-threaded-display-message-view-wrapper","lazyLoadScriptsEvent":"LITHIUM:lazyLoadScripts","isGteForumV5":true,"loaderEnabled":false,"useSimpleEditor":false,"isReplyButtonDisabled":false}); } "context" : "envParam:entity", "context" : "", ] return; } { "actions" : [ "action" : "rerender" "event" : "unapproveMessage", Sisense enables you to define access rights to control which users can access which models, whether "messageViewOptions" : "1101110111111111111110111110100101111101", } "context" : "envParam:quiltName,message", }); This section provides a general overview of the main security features. "actions" : [ "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditAction", }, "useSimpleView" : "false", Click + Add field (or, if any fields already exist, + Add another field) to display a list of fields that you can apply data security rules to. "event" : "kudoEntity", "eventActions" : [ { "action" : "rerender" { ] To get the user ID, type prism.user._id in the browser console while logged into sisense. "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2", "event" : "MessagesWidgetMessageEdit", } "parameters" : { LITHIUM.InlineMessageReplyEditor({"openEditsSelector":".lia-inline-message-edit","ajaxFeebackSelector":"#inlinemessagereplyeditor_0 .lia-inline-ajax-feedback","collapseEvent":"LITHIUM:collapseInlineMessageEditor","confimationText":"You have other message editors open and your data inside of them might be lost. } }, LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:removePreviewAttachment","parameters":{"clientId":"inlinemessagereplyeditor_0","attachmentKey":"6a3f36e8-32e0-48c7-aa4b-5145958099f3"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#inlinemessagereplyeditor_0 .lia-file-upload","action":"removePreviewAttachment","feedbackSelector":"#attachmentsComponent","url":"","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"Pb3Jxc0lC2o2HGK9WORJYNp7pVqbreTFbg6owReaOYo. "action" : "rerender" }, V7.0 are accessible to everyone by default, unless you have defined the ElastiCube's access rights. }); }, { success: function(data) { "context" : "", ] In essence, Data Security applies additional background constraints that are generated on the Sisense Server (and not passed via the HTTP request) to a query's WHERE clause so that any and all associated data is filtered, based on user context only and with no consideration of where the query is sent from, resulting in rules that cannot be overridden. LITHIUM.InlineMessageReplyContainer({"openEditsSelector":".lia-inline-message-edit","linearDisplayViewSelector":".lia-linear-display-message-view","renderEventParams":{"replyWrapperId":"replyWrapper_1","messageId":1565,"messageActionsId":"messageActions_1"},"threadedDetailDisplayViewSelector":".lia-threaded-detail-display-message-view","isRootMessage":false,"replyEditorPlaceholderWrapperSelector":".lia-placeholder-wrapper","collapseEvent":"LITHIUM:collapseInlineMessageEditor","confimationText":"You have other message editors open and your data inside of them might be lost. Sisense security is divided into three main categories: Securing Users; Securing Data; . $('.lia-panel-heading-bar-toggle').click(function() { LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown_3","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); "actions" : [ Example: "entity" : "1565", While the exact properties may change depending on the endpoint and action performed, understanding which attributes and entities are part of Data Security rules will help you use these APIs more efficiently. } "context" : "lia-deleted-state", "useSubjectIcons" : "true", "action" : "pulsate" "event" : "RevokeSolutionAction", ] $( '.has-children' ).removeClass( 'open' ); Row-Level Security enables you to use group membership or execution context to control access to rows in a database table. $('body').on('click', 'a.lia-link-navigation.lia-page-link.lia-user-name-link,.UserAvatar.lia-link-navigation', function(evt) { { LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:getProductMentions","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":document,"action":"getProductMentions","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"so6aHYSszp9qb_4kvrnCn6ameW1AoXP6ZSe_WhJJrqk. "action" : "addClassName" { { { "action" : "rerender"